The success of any surgery, whether it’s of a knee or an open heart, doesn’t finish the moment you come out of the operating theatre. Your surgeon might have skillfully performed the surgical procedure and the outcome would have been good. But after the surgery, its recommended and mandatory to undertake post-surgical rehabilitation. After your surgery, the physiotherapists of the hospital might teach you some minor exercises. But it’s necessary that after the surgery, you take the guidance of the best physiotherapists.

Consult our physiotherapist today to receive the best post-operative rehabilitation. Our physiotherapists are well-versed with the treatment protocols. Our therapists would offer you various exercise progression so that you fully regain flexibility, strength and functionality.We even consult your surgeon to understand your condition and accordingly customize and plan the exercises, so that you have a fast recovery.

Our Physiotherapy plan is divided into three parts:

  • Exercises on the early recovery phase
  • Strength and range of Motion Phase
  • Functional restoration Phase