The Bach Flowers are the simplest and safest way to emotional “rescue” - they are also wonderful tools to help you on your journey of personal growth and with finding your true potential.Every family should have their own box of the Bach remedies.

They help balance negative and excessive emotions and keep us grounded during tough times - work pressures, peer pressure, separation, anger, despair, confidence issues, lack of direction, apathy, receiving unpleasant medical diagnoses, shock, life changes etc .  They are safe for all ages and good for all the transitional periods we have to venture through, they restore balance simply and safely, they are great healers and if used regularly, they will guide you to your true life purpose and peace of mind.

This course is a great for those people wanting to help themselves, their family, friends and pets, as well as for all holistic practitioners to add to their existing practices. In their simplicity, these natural flower essences help us find stability, confidence and they restore equilibrium to our everyday, busy, stressed and hectic lives.

Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy (also called Five Flower Remedy) is used to restore calm and balance in moments of anxiety and panic, for instance before a job interview or going to the dentist

Most trials into the use of flower remedies for anxiety and stress show that they work at least as well as placebo.

Plant essences do not use the law of similar (like cures like) that is the rule in homeopathy, but rather focus on using the positive energy of the plant to overcome any emotional negativity in the person. Although they are intended to work at the emotional level, some people find that when the emotional issue is resolved physical ailments, too, begin to resolve.