EFT explain that the key to its success lies in its main tenet: “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” EFT doesn’t focus on the negative “memory” that causes you distress ( the memory of an overflowing desk, nasty email or tense boardroom meeting) — it focuses on adjusting the associated energy disruption. Tapping on energy-friendly points whereas verbalizing these negative emotions relieves the energy disruption.

  1. Find a quiet space

This is easier to accomplish when you’re at home, but what if you’re feeling stressed at work? The key is to find somewhere (anywhere) where you can focus on your thoughts for no more than five minutes. Distraction is EFT biggest enemy, so eliminate it as much as you can.

  1. Attempt new for any ill (physical, mental or emotional)

Practitioners stand by EFT efficaciousness for any price from relieving anxiety before a check to lifting the pain of a headache, can attest to its success in various ways. Don’t be afraid to try EFT for anything under the sun that nags you.

  1. Stay consistent

If you’re using EFT for a more long-lasting ailment, it’s best to stay consistent and practise EFT on a daily basis. If work may be a nerve-racking setting, or if you struggle with PMS, use EFT daily for best results. Getting newt into your regular routine is vital to maximising its positive effects.

Emotional freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Techniques may be a method of direction intervention that pulls on varied theories of different medicine beside treatment, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field medical care.