The basic principle of sound healing is the concept of resonance (the vibratory frequency of an object.) The entire Universe is in a state of vibration. This includes human beings. Every organ, cell, bone, tissue and liquid of the body, and also the magnetic force fields that surround the body, has a healthy vibratory frequency. If we tend to aren't reverberant  with some part of ourselves or our surroundings, we become dissonant and therefore unhealthy, our naturally healthy frequency becomes a frequency that vibrates without harmony, creating illness.

Sound Healing is that the application of Healing frequencies to the physical and refined energy fields around the body. These healing or therapeutic frequencies and sounds are delivered via, live sound therapy sessions, the Voice, vocal Overtone Singing and a variety of sound healing tools such as Tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, quartz crystal bowls, monochords as well as those from more Shamanic Sound Healing traditions, such as didgeridoo, Native drum, Native flute, rattles and so on.

What are Healing Frequencies?

These are frequencies that many therapists and medical practitioners have found to be effective in the treatment of different ailments and conditions.

Sound Healing could be an utterly natural complement to several different sorts of medical aid, having the power to enhance and amplify the healing effects of massage, Reiki, reflexology, crystal and gem therapy, Bach and different Flower Essence therapies and plenty of others.

A Sound Healer or Sound Therapist uses their voice and other musical instruments and tools such as tuning forks, to help restore balance to the body. These instruments are more powerful than most people realise and also operate on a mental, psychological and energetic level. Certain sound healing tools are used directly on the body, standardization forks, singing bowls and medical aid monochords as an example.