As the days are passing and technology is rising we are totally dependent on machines and rarely try to take a particular thing on our own as we get everything on click of our mobile phones and due to this number of bedridden patients today is increasing. Thanks to the added amount of ailments and medical conditions that bring people particularly the elderly ones to bed. Such patients find extreme difficulties in moving and doing other things which people of their age group with good health can easily do. This brings for them the issues like bed sores as they remain secluded from the physical activities, which in turn hampers their overall mobility to a great extent.However, even if you find such patients limited to their beds, few exercises can help in gaining some mobility without making them uncomfortable.

1.Palm Stretch

The patients can comfortably sit or lie down in their beds. This directly impacts in building up the tolerance level.Here are the steps you should follow

  • First, open your palm and stretch the fingers for five seconds.
  • Start touching each of your fingers individually to your thumb.
  • Repeat the same with your other hand

2.Wrist Rotation

Rotating your wrists that would demand a bit of strength giving them the best way to enhance flexibility, and mobility.

Here are the steps:

  • You need to place your palm in the downward direction.
  • Now rotate your wrist in the direction of your little finger in a way that can put your thumb away from the bed
  • Start rotating your wrist in anticlockwise and clockwise.

3.Try Leg Lift

This workout is easily done to have decent health and fitness and have the stamina to carry out some specific steps.

  • On your bed lie down with the help of your back.
  • Slowly and steadily bring your legs in the upward direction shifting towards the hip joint.
  • Repeat it 5 to 6 times