What's better if you get the physio treatment at your convenience. No need to wait for the appointment or get stuck in long traffic.Here are some benefits of physiotherapy at the convenience of your home.

1.It fits into your life, not the clinic’s schedule

Every now and then patients have the problem of sticking with their Physiotherapy treatment , trying to make appointments that suit the clinic and their busy lives. When you make an appointment it is on your spare time, not ours.

2.We can see what is contributing to the problem first hand

Maybe the way you use your kitchen needs to be changed, or your home office is not properly set-up. Whether  your favorite chair, or your TV is at a poor angle. When the Physiotherapist enters your home they can assess your surroundings and make note of factors that are working against you. The quick and easy suggestions that follow can make all the difference to your recovery.

3.Exercises taught exactly where you will do them

Clinics are ideally set up and equipped for Physiotherapy. But what happens when you get home and you have to replicate those important exercises. Few of us have a space at home that looks anything like a clinic.

4. Make it a family affair

Need help with your therapy. It can be difficult to explain to a loved one what to do after you get home from the clinic. When your Physiotherapist makes a house call you can easily involve that critical helper, ensuring that they are trained by the expert!

5.Rest and recover after treatment

After a good therapy session nobody wants to be stuck in heavy traffic and terrible hot sun. Imagine being able to rest and recover in the comfort of your home. There are countless more reasons to have Physiotherapy brought to you. Our patients tell us they will never go back, and we are betting you will say the same. Book an appointment and start recovering the right way.