Post delivery Exercises

Congrats! You've had the what? Obvious after being pregnant for nine months your belly must have increased.Don't worry its natural we can help you get rid of it. But how soon is too soon? The thumb rule is to get back to the exercises six weeks after birth. Before starting any exercise consult your doctor if you are physically fit or not. Ready to get started? Here are some basic exercises which will help you to at least start and loose your fat in some manner

1.Intermediate: Modified Squat Thrust

Targets: Abs, legs, and butt

Quickly get into a position of push ups i.e.  hands touching floor just in front of feet. Without pausing, step feet forward just in front of your hands and return to standing position.Do 1-3 sets of 5-10 reps.Now do it faster, quickly jump feet back and forth.

2.Towel Pulse

Lie on your back, knees bent.

Put a towel across your upper shins and grasp each end. Wrench/Pull the ends of the towel and squeeze thighs together. Simultaneously while pulling your legs with towel keep on inhaling and exhaling as you draw your abs in and lift your shoulders off the floor. Perform this 10 to 12 times.

Benefits: Strengthens the transverse.

3. Cat Lowers

Start with all your fours i.e your shoulders stacked directly above your hands and your hips stacked directly above your knees. Set yourself in a position of cat, back up drawing your navel in, and let your head hang to cat. Slowly move your belly toward the ground and bring your head and gaze to the sky to cow. Keep on alternating cat and cow, for 10 times. This helps you to stretch the muscles in your back and neck.

4.Double Leg L people

Recline on the floor with knees bent and arms at your sides. Hold your tummy in by doing your basic breath contraction as you bring your legs up one at a time to table top position (knees bent and over hips, shins parallel to the floor).  Slowly lower both down toward the floor as far as your comfortably  hips to complete one repetition