Also called as overactive bladder the two most common types of urinary incontinence that affect women are stress incontinence and urge incontinence. Incontinence affects twice as many women as men.Womens suffer more because of pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause may make urinary incontinence more likely. Doctor you may consult may ask you to keep a diary for 2 to 3 days to track when you empty your bladder or leak urine.

What are some medical treatments for stress incontinence?

Medical Drugs/ Medicines:  The creams such as rings,vaginal creams, or patches with estrogen (called topical estrogen) can help strengthen the muscles and tissues in the urethra and vaginal areas. A stronger urethra will help with bladder control.

Vaginal pessary: Pessary  is a small plastic or silicone device (shaped like a ring or small donut) that you put into your vagina. The pessary pushes up against the wall of the vagina and the urethra to support the pelvic floor muscles and help reduce stress incontinence. There are various different sizes of pessary. Pessary also looks like a tampon and is used once and then thrown away.

It is easily available at a store that also sells feminine hygiene products.

Bulking agents:To thicken tissues around the bladder and urethra your doctor can inject a bulking agent, such as collagen.This may help you to keep the bladder opening closed and reduces the amount of urine that can leak out.

Surgery: If you plan to get pregnant surgery for  urinary incontinence is not recommended.

If done then Childbirth or pregnancy can cause leakage to happen again.

Colposuspension: This is the  surgery which   helps hold the bladder in place with stitches on either side of the urethra. This is often referred to as a Burch procedure.

The exercises recommended are pelvic floor exercises which includes kegel exercises and many other..